Keeping your cryptocurrency investments growing

Why MinerGain

Hi everyone and Welcome!  The MinerGain founder Mike Strand has been doing software development and web site creation for over 30 years. He finally dove into the whole virtual currency world in August 2017 with a mining with a couple asic miners and a few graphic card miners.  During the mining process, he has mined SlushPool, KanoPool, NiceHash, NanoPool and PoolMining.  A few volunteers have joined the fold to help expand the capabilities and knowledge sharing power of the site. All of us have not only been involved with mining but also investing in crypto coins as well.

Before you get too far into the site, we want to tell you that this site is FREE - and although we strive to have 100% accurate information, we cannot take responsibility for anything that comes up wrong. So the old saying "you get what you pay for" applies here - although the founders and other people are relying on the data, so this is mostly a CYA statement - hope you understand.

The biggest thing that we all have noticed is that information is often hard to find - especially in one place. We also learned that virtually every mining pool has dramatically different reporting and monitoring capabilities which is extremely important to make sure your miners keep running well.  So in order to help get new investors started, monitor your mining equipment profitability and offer a consistent reporting platform for all your mining needs, we created minergain.com!

The current list of pools that we are supporting are (*CDT=Coin per Day per Th/s. Divide by 1000 for Gh/s):

Bitcoin (BTC) -
USD (Volume 25,602M - Great Mempool 820.55KB - 00:00:07)

NamePayoutHash RateNetwork %UsersBlock (d:h:m)Day CDTWeek CDTMonth CDTQuarter CDTYear CDTWeb
KanoPoolPPLNS18.62PH/s0% of 859.55EH/s212851081 (263d:12h:52m)n/an/an/an/a0.00000105kano.is
ViaBTC BTCPPLNS127.80EH/s14.87% of 859.55EH/sn/a889730 (01h:16m)0.000000460.000000570.000000550.000000460.00000011viabtc.com

To see current details for virtually every crypto currency available, check this out.